Well, I guess the big experiment was a bust. A couple weeks after having my medication reduced by 6 mg per month, I am all the way back to giving myself two 200mcg shots per day at home. I am also getting a 20mg long-acting, repeatable (LAR) injection at the medical center every two weeks. So I am back to total of 52mg per month.
Unfortunately, I have had a couple of rough weeks. Last week I was ill for a few days, then this week I was pretty well Sunday through Wednesday, but sick for three days so far. Even on days where I don't camp out in the bathroom, I am still weak. I use the support of my cane and my walker when I need their help. It's becoming more common to be ill. I am developing the philosophy reflected in the title of this post: so this is the way it is going to be.
Disclaimer! See the change that occurred just a week after I wrote this post by reading below! 8/10/13.
You probably Do NOT want to read the section below unless you are a patient with bowel issues.
I must express my appreciation for Welchol one more time. From all the posts on this blog the one about Welchol being effective on diarrhea is the most popular. It is read every day. So, let me repeat some information about it one more time.
I use the packet of 3.75 grams of the powdered Welchol and mix it with water. It is made of resin beads called colesevelam hydrochloride that attract cholesterol to cling to them. I was having frequent diarrhea a couple years ago and mentioned my problem to my cardiologist. The Holy Spirit must have impressed it on me because it busted into my thoughts twice while I was talking to him. After I told him, the doctor instantly lit up, and told me how this cholesterol-lowering drug also causes constipation.
Welchol is the reason I was able to sleep last night. I took a dose about midnight and slept until 8:50 am. It is effective for me 60-90 minutes after taking it when I have been in the middle of hours of diarrhea. If I have already emptied my gut, Welchol can hold back the next bout for 3-48 hours. Typically, it gives me one night's sleep or rest for a few hours in the middle of the day.
I hope this helps someone.
Post Script on August 10, 2013:
A week or so after writing the paragraphs above, I was doing better. I had good health from late in March until July 7. For the second time in two years I had particularly good health for 3.5 months: in 2012 it was from about the middle of February through the end of May. I do not know why this happens, but I am certainly grateful for it, Father! This year we went on my "bucket trip" to France, and I only missed a couple of events.
As I was writing the original post in March, I came across this version of "Day by Day and With Each Passing Moment," but I uploaded the other one because the verses with it are encouraging. However, I do prefer this rendition by Russ Taff from his album Faroe Islands.