My injections are 0.1 mcg of Octreotide Acetate (aqueous) in a pre-filled 1mL syringe. I increased my meds to 2 shots when I had symptoms of waking up hot, sweaty, and with that feeling of "increased bowel motility". First, I began taking one shot every morning because I don't like the feeling of having my back on fire while I'm on my computer in the evening. That feeling has disappeared this month.
So this is just a report to say that things continue to be good. I had a very good April as my strength increased from a rough episode in December and January. I am not really strong compared to going out and doing things as much as other people do, but I can garden and walk Spunky. Last week I was able to take Spunky on one of our long walks like we did a couple years ago; so that is good. On the other hand, we went to San Diego over Memorial Day weekend, and I can only walk around for about three hours. I can go out for the afternoon or the evening, so I have to decide what I really want to do.
One goal I have had for a few years was accomplished this month. The man (Jeff) who takes care of our lawn created a planter in front of our yard. No bricks involved. He created a curved shape for me and filled it in with plants from elsewhere in the yard. Our yard in front of the house looks quite traditional: roses, a fern, lacy hydrangeas, and a type of heather. The side yard that Jeff landscaped about five years ago has Allium, peach daylilies, and other things I had never planted. I wanted the front planter to integrate the two looks.
So the new planter looks great! Jeff used a deep red daylily, a peach one, some heather, pink roses and Allium to pull it all together. So that is a goal fulfilled from my post about "You can't C